Friday, March 4, 2011

Scrabble Competition in School

My school just had a Scrabble workshop last Monday 28 Feb. Why would they have a Scrabble workshop? The English Department in my school wanted to have a Scrabble competition among all the classes in my school in March. So to get us all prepared, they decided to hold a workshop so that we prepare ourselves for the big competition.

My group actually consisted of just four members. Okay, make that three. One of them left because she had to go for a dental appointment but nonetheless, there was a replacement. A Secondary 1 boy. Apparently, his team also consisted of just four but unfortunately, all of them did not turn up except him. The teacher then decided that he would join our group since we were short of one.

As you can see from the whiteboard at the picture above, the instructor thought us how to play the game. There were many rules to follow. Firstly, you have to hold the bag of tiles above eye level and dig out one letter tile which is close to the letter A. Both you and your opponent have to do the same. The player which really has a letter tile that is close to A will start first. Oh and don't forget to dig out seven tiles and put it on your tile holder. Don't let your opponent see it. If you start first, make sure you form your word on the star tile which is in the middle of the board. The star tile will act as a double word score.

That's just a short version of how to play Scrabble. If you want to find out more, Google it! I will be participating in the competition and wish me luck!

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